Information Technology


Our “home grown” Transportation Management System is truly one of a kind. It is a straightforward way for our customers’ and/or their vendors – regardless if they are collect or prepaid payments. To schedule pickups and deliveries for their goods, each customer is given a login which brings them to the home page that is curtailed specifically to their needs. Once in the system, it will be under carrier specific requirements.


Our advanced WMS system is integral to so many parts of our business. First and foremost, it helps keep inventory and control throughout the year. Though inventory is one of the hardest things to manage in the warehouse, our system helps us to be as precise as possible. All garments and cartons are scanned in and out of locations, inbound and outbound on our sortation systems and always uploaded directly onto our system giving us instant visibility. This system helps fulfill orders, allowing us to track down to the carton level for OS&D reports, eliminate headaches and ease concerns of customers as to whether their orders have shipped. Our WMS has given Dynamic the ability to be as accurate as possible.

Information Technology & Automation


The Dynamic leadership has always felt investing back into the company is the way to continue to succeed in a competitive market. A major investment has been into our automation and sortation systems. In doing so the Dynamic team has invested heavily in our selves which has in turn given us the ability to be the most accurate, efficient and transparent with the freight we receive.

Due to the sorters that scan every piece that come through the facility and the IT that backs it up, we can see where each carton is and if GOH, what rack was scanned. In our domestic buildings our sorters include:

Information Technology & Automation

To find an example for each please check out the videos below and how they might be able to service you and your company best.

Dynamic Worldwide has been serving the logistics needs of retailers and consumer product manufacturers for more than 50 years.